Modeling and Calibration of Last-Mile Logistics to Study Smart-City Dynamic Space Management Scenarios

Kategorien Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
Jahr 2023
Autorinnen/Autoren Oskar Wage, Maximilian Heumann and Lasse Bienzeisler
Veröffentlicht in 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Sustainable Mobility (SuMob '23), November 13, 2023, Hamburg, Germany

This contribution presents a base case modeling and calibration for simulation studies of last-mile parcel delivery in urban areas to be compared with future sustainable and livable alternative scenarios. We formulate a two-stage mixed-integer programming optimization framework. In the first stage, stopping points are identified using a facility location problem. In the second stage, these stopping points are served through multiple vehicle tours by solving a capacitated vehicle routing problem. The parameterization and calibration are based on real data for a part of the Hanover Linden-Nord district, which includes the street network, the parcel demand of a large logistics service provider, and stopping distances derived from trajectories. The model is the basis for follow-up work in the area of 5G-enabled dynamic space management. 

Datei 3_SuMob_23_paper_2_4p.pdf (PDF, 2 MB)
DOI 10.1145/3615899.3627930