Forschte als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in einem deutsch-chinesichen DFG-Bündelprojekt an der automatischen semantischen Integration von Geodaten und Fachdaten.
Begutachtete Zeitschriftenartikel und Buchkapitel
(2009): Deriving scale-transition matrices from map samples for simulated annealing-based aggregation, Annals of GIS, vol. 15 (2), pp. 107-116
(2009): Matching River Datasets of Different Scales>, Advances in GIScience: Proceedings of 12th AGILE Conference on GIScience, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, pp. 135-154
(2007): Semantic Data Integration: Data of Similar and Different Scales, Photogrammetrie Fernerkundung Geoinformation (PFG), vol. 6, pp. 447-457 | File |
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
(2010): Semi-Automatic Interpretation of Buildings and Settlement Areas in User-Generated Spatial Data, Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS'10), pp. 330-339 | File |
(2008): Derivation of Semantic Relationships between Different Ontologies with the Help of Geometry, 'Workshop ''Semantic Web meets Geospatial Applications'', held in conjunction with AGILE 2008' | File |
(2013): Urban building usage labeling by geometric and context analyses of the footprint data, 26th International Cartographic Conference (ICC) | File |
(2008): Semantic Data Integration Across Different Scales: Automatic Learning Generalization Rules, International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. 37 | File |
(2007): A geometry-driven approach for the semantic integration of geodata sets, Proc. of 23rd International Cartographic Conference | File |
(2007): Identification and adjustment of corresponding objects in data sets of different origin, 10th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2007 | File |
(2020): Schema-Matching in räumlichen Datensätzen durch Zuordnung von Objektinstanzen, DGK Reihe C, München 2020, ISBN 978-3-7696-5265-9, 138 S. (identisch mit / identical with: Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik der Universität Hannover ISSN 0174-1454, Nr. 359, Hannover 2020) More info