Arbeitete als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in einem DFG-geförderten Bündelprojekt. Er forschte über die automatische Ableitung von verschiedener maßstabsabhängiger Repräsentationen.
Jan ist heute Professor an der Universität Bonn.
Begutachtete Zeitschriftenartikel und Buchkapitel
(2022): Geospatial Information Research: State of the Art, Case Studies and Future Perspectives, PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science. 90, 4, S. 349-389 41 S.
(2014): Integrating and Generalising Volunteered Geographic Information, Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World - Methodologies and Applications of Map Generalisation, pp. 119-156
(2009): Deriving scale-transition matrices from map samples for simulated annealing-based aggregation, Annals of GIS, vol. 15 (2), pp. 107-116
(2009): Matching River Datasets of Different Scales>, Advances in GIScience: Proceedings of 12th AGILE Conference on GIScience, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, pp. 135-154
(2009): Area aggregation in map generalisation by mixedinteger programming, accepted for: International Journal of Geographical Information Science
(2009): Constrained set-up of the tGAP structure for progressive vector data transfer, Computers and Geosciences
DOI: -
(2008): Quality Assessment for Polygon Generalization, Quality Aspects in Spatial Data Mining, pp. 211-220 | File |
(2008): Assuring logical consistency and semantic accuracy in map generalization, Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation (PFG), vol. 2008 (3), pp. 165-173 | File |
(2008): Area collapse and road centerlines based on straight skeletons, GeoInformatica, vol. 12 (2), pp. 169-191 | File |
(2008): Modell- und kartographische Generalisierung von topographischen und thematischen Informationen, Kartographische Nachrichten, vol. 58 (6), pp. 307-314
(2005): Using a geographic information system for the generation of driving simulator scenes, Advances in Transportation Studies - An International Journal, vol. Special Issue, pp. 33-44
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge
(2009): Vehicle Localization by Matching Triangulated Point Patterns, Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in GeographicInformation Systems (ACM-GIS'09), November 4-6, 2009, Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 344-351
(2007): Quality assessment for polygon generalization, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality
(2007): A formal model and mixed-integer program for area aggregation in map generalization, International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: Photogrammetric Image Analysis (PIA'07), vol. XXXVI(Part 3/W49A), pp. 161-166 | File |
(2006): Generalization of land cover maps by mixed integer programming, Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS'06), pp. 75-82
(2006): Hierarchical structures for rule-based incremental generalisation, International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: Proceedings of the ISPRS Workshop on Multiple Representation and Interoperability of Spatial Data, vol. XXXVI(Part 2/W40), pp. 49-57
(2008): Optimal simplification of building ground plans, International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: Proceedings of the XXIst ISPRS Congress, vol. XXXVII(Part B2), pp. 373-378 | File |
(2007): Efficient area aggregation by combination of different techniques, Proceedings of the 10th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, August 2--3, 2007, Moscow, Russia | File |
(2007): Optimization methods for area aggregation in land cover maps, Proceedings of the 23rd International Cartographic Conference (ICC'07) | File |
(2006): The GeoScope -- a mixed-reality system for planning and public participation, Proceedings of the 25th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS’06), CD-Rom | File |
(2006): Aktualisierung von Geodaten in einer Multiple Representation Database, Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation e.V., DGPF Jahrestagung 2006
(2006): Hierarchical Structures For Rule-Based Incremental Generalisation, Joint ISPRS Workshop on Multiple Representation and Interoperability of Spatial Data
(2005): Link based conflation of geographic datasets, Proceedings of the 8th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation | File |
(2005): Geometrietypwechsel in einer Multi-Resolution-Datenbank, Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 34: Arbeitsgruppe Automation in der Kartographie -- Tagung 2004 | File |
(2005): Propagating updates between linked data sets of different scale, Proceedings of the 22nd International Cartographic Conference (ICC'05) | File |
(2004): Using the straight skeleton for generalisation in a multiple representation environment, Proceedings of the 7th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation | File |
(2004): MRDB to Connect 3D City Models, Cadastral and Topographic Data together, Proceedings of 24th Urban Data Management Symposium
(2008): Aggregation in Map Generalization by Combinatorial Optimization, In: Reihe C, Heft 626 of Veröffentlichungen der Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, München, In: Reihe C, Heft 626 of Veröffentlichungen der Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, München
sonstige Beiträge
(2007): Das virtuelle Fernrohr GeoScope, Übers Reisen -- Forschung rund um das Fernweh, vol. 1 & 2, pp. 34-37 | File |