Big data and machine learning in geosciences
On February 20-21, 2020 BGR invites to the international conference “Big data and machine learning in geosciences”, kindly supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
The conference is already fully booked, but it will be transmitted via video-streaming to the BGR.
Location: Geozentrum Hannover, Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover‚ Großer Sitzungssaal
The program provides lectures by invited speakers from academia, governmental organisations and industry., such as: Earth Science Analytics, Norway Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligence Analysis and Information Systems, Germany German Aerospace Center, Germany Google, UK Lisbon Council - European AI Alliance, Belgium Munich Re, Germany Osisko Gold Royalities, Canada Pennsylvania State University, USA Tom Tom, Germany TU Berlin, Germany University of Minnesota, USA
How does a changing world challenge geosciences?
What is the impact of escalating computational power, economic, ecological and societal changes accompanied by data explosion – growing varieties, large in volume and continuously accelerated?
Which influence have big data and artificial intelligence (AI) on geoscience?
Which opportunities do they offer to geoscientists?
The conference will highlight these issues by giving a platform for outstanding experts in the field of big data and machine learning. We highly appreciate the contributions from academia, governmental organizations and industry.
February 20 will address big data and AI applications in a global perspective with keynotes from selected issues. Invited talks introduce the current state and describe future tracks of machine learning (ML) technologies for geospatial applications. The experts join for a moderated plenary discussion on “How AI is changing the game”.
February 21 will focus on specific applications of ML in geosciences with invited talks on mineral and petroleum exploration, groundwater and soil science, Earth data mining and geohazard assessment. The experts join for a moderated plenary discussion on “Challenges and opportunities in geosciences”.
Event organiser/s
Geozentrum Hannover, Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover
20. Feb. 2020 21. Feb. 202013:00 - 13:00