Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics Research GeoAI: Machine Learning und Spatial Data Science
Uncertainty Estimation of LiDAR Scene Semantic Segmentation (DFG i.c.sens)

Uncertainty Estimation of LiDAR Scene Semantic Segmentation (DFG i.c.sens)

Led by:  apl. Prof. Claus Brenner
Team:  M.Sc. Hanieh Shojaei Miandashti
Year:  2022
Funding:  DFG Graduiertenkolleg i.c.sens

Project publications

  • H. Shojaei, Q. Zou, M. Mehltretter (2024): Uncertainty Estimation and Out-of-Distribution Detection for LiDAR Scene Semantic Segmentation
    arXiv: arXiv:2410.08687