Challenges in Geospatial Analysis,
Integration and Visualization II. Proc. of Joint ISPRS Workshop
Other Contributions
Integrating Topographic Information and Landmarks for Mobile Applications,
Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen: Location Based Services & Telecartography, Proceedings of the Symposium 2004, vol. 66, pp. 147-155
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Conference Papers
MRDB Applications for Data Revision and Real-Time Generalisation,
Proceedings of 21st International Cartographic Conference
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Conference Papers
Vorwort zum Themenheft GIS,
Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation (PFG), vol. Heft 6, pp. 481-491
Other Contributions
Verfahren der automatischen Dateninterpretation,
Kartographische Schriften, vol. Band 7, pp. 153-161
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Other Contributions
Ansätze für die automatische Ableitung von Gebäudevolumen aus Laserscannerdaten,
aus Forschung und Entwicklung - Mitteilungen der Forschungsstelle und des Forschungsbeirats der AGFW, vol. Heft 8
Other Contributions
New Methods for semantic and geometric integration of geoscientific data sets with ATKIS - applied to geo-objects from geology and soil science,
Geotechnologien Science Report No. 2
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Other Contributions
Multiskalige Geodaten in einer Datenbank - Erzeugung und Nutzen,
Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation (PFG), vol. 6, pp. 481-491
Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Visualisation of Highly Textured Surfaces,
4th International Symposium on Virtural Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage,
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Conference Papers
Überblick über die Geologie der Schweiz,
StonePlus Naturstein Architektur Technik, vol. 4 (Schweiz Spezial)
Other Contributions
A client-server, component-based navigation system,
SVG.open03 Conference Proceedings
Conference Papers
Mountain Cartography - 3rd ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop,
ICA News, vol. Number 41
Other Contributions
Integrale Visualisierung Abstrakter und Gestalt-Basierter Informationen im Virtual Prototyping,
Proc. 2. Paderborner Workshop Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung
Reviewed Conference Papers
A Visualization Design Repository for Mobile Devices,
Proc. ACM Afrigraph 2003
Reviewed Conference Papers
Supporting User Interface Evaluation of AR Presentation and Interaction Techniques with ARToolkit,
Proc. 2nd IEEE ARToolkit Workshop, ART03
Reviewed Conference Papers
Automatic Derivation of Location Maps,
GeoSpatial Theory, Processing and Applications, ISPRS, vol. 34/4
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Conference Papers
Erweiterung von Wegbeschreibungen um Landmarks,
Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, vol. 11, pp. 125-132
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Conference Papers
Landmarks für Routenbeschreibungen,
IfGI Prints: GI-Technologien für Verkehr und Logistik. Beiträge zu den Münsteraner GI Tagen, vol. 13, pp. 375-394
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Conference Papers