A Framework for the Structured Design of VR/AR Content,
Proc. Of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software & Technology, VRST 2000
Reviewed Conference Papers
Beyond Scene Graphs: Components for Smart 3D Environments,
Proc. AGENTS 2000
Reviewed Conference Papers
Parameter-Free Cluster Detection in Spatial Databases and its Application to Typification,
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 33(Part B4/1), pp. 75-82
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Conference Papers
Knowledge acquisition for the automatic interpretation of spatial data,
International Journal of Geographic Information Science, vol. 14, pp. 1-24
Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Generalization based on Least Squares Adjustment,
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 33
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Conference Papers
Typification based on Kohonen Feature Nets.,
Presented in the 1st International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2000)
Other Contributions
Image 2000 -- Workshop on 3D Virtual Cities and 3D Geospatial Information Systems,
Lecture Notes
Other Contributions
GIS -- Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und neue Methoden,
Beiträge zum internationalen Workshop: GIS-gestützte hydrologische Kartenwerke in Mitteleuropa, pp. 26-36
Other Contributions
Distributed Data Management Concepts for Location Aware Applications,
Proceedings of the international workshop on emerging technologies for geo-based applications
Reviewed Conference Papers
Multi-scale Data Sets in Distributed Environments,
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 33
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Conference Papers
Nexus- eine Plattform für ortsabhängige, verteilte Geodatennutzung,
Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, vol. Band 8, pp. 137-150
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Other Contributions
Digitale Gelaendemodellierung: Grundlagen, Methoden und ihre kritische Bewertung,
'Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, ''Modellierung von Höhendaten für hydrologische Fragestellungen'', vol. 3/2000'
Other Contributions
Systematic Design of Navigation Aids in 3D Virtual Environments,
Proc. Workshop Users Guidance
Reviewed Conference Papers
Agents as Building-Blocks for Usability Tests in Multi-User 3D Environments,
Extended Abstracts, CHI 2000
Reviewed Conference Papers
Systematic Design of Interactive Illustration Techniques for User Guidance in Virtual Environments,
Proc. IEEE VR 2000
Reviewed Conference Papers
User Guidance in Virtual Environments,
Proc. Workshop on Guiding Users Through Interactive Experiences: Usability Centred Design and Evaluation of Virtual 3D Environments
Reviewed Conference Papers
Agents for Realistic Usability Tests in Multi-User 3D Environments,
Proc. OzCHI 2000
Reviewed Conference Papers
Exploratory 4D-Illustrations of Complex Technical Systems and Procedures,
Proc. Workshop des Forschungsverbundes NRW - Die virtuelle Wissensfabrik, Schloss Birlinghoven
Conference Papers
Zum Einsatz von Animation in interaktiven Benutzungsschnittstellen,
Proc. Simulation und Visualisierung ’99, March 4-5
Reviewed Conference Papers
Design and Evaluation of Animated 3D User Interfaces,
Proc. OzCHI99
Reviewed Conference Papers