Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics Institute Search for Persons Shojaei Research Projects
Uncertainty Estimation of LiDAR Scene Semantic Segmentation (DFG i.c.sens)

Uncertainty Estimation of LiDAR Scene Semantic Segmentation (DFG i.c.sens)

Led by:  apl. Prof. Claus Brenner
Team:  M.Sc. Hanieh Shojaei Miandashti
Year:  2022
Funding:  DFG Graduiertenkolleg i.c.sens

Project publications

  • H. Shojaei, Q. Zou, M. Mehltretter (2024): Uncertainty Estimation and Out-of-Distribution Detection for LiDAR Scene Semantic Segmentation
    arXiv: arXiv:2410.08687