Master Theses (finished)
Development of environmentally-balaced and congestion-avoiding routing algorithms by means of traffic simulationDue to the constantly growing volume of traffic in urban environments and the resulting problems such as increased air pollution, environmentally oriented approaches to achieve better urban sustainability of transport play an increasingly important role. This thesis deals with the development of environmentally-friendly routing algorithms and their validation in traffic simulations. The routing algorithm used is the A* - algorithm using the developed criteria as weights.Led by: Sester, FuestTeam:Year: 2019
Open Bachelor Theses
Map-based storytelling of historical sea voyages with a vague spatiotemporal data basisThe thesis topic is related to the DiViAS project (digitization, visualization and analysis of collection items) which brings together scientific methods and practices for digitizing, researching and representing collections from colonial contexts. The project involves developing new approaches for making sense of the information derived from historical sources such as logbooks or travel reports. One of the project goals is to make the movements of ships, people and objects traceable, which can be facilitated by cartographic representations of these movements. In fact, many of these processes can only be understood in a temporal context. Since the information provided in the historical sources is oftentimes vague, inaccurate or incomplete, a visual representation using narrative techniques such as storymapping may facilitate understanding the spatiotemporal sequence of the events that happened throughout the journey.Led by: Fuest, SesterYear: 2024
Open Master Theses
Calculation of the itinerary of historical sea voyages with a vague spatiotemporal data basisThe thesis topic is related to the DiViAS project (digitization, visualization and analysis of collection items) which brings together scientific methods and practices for digitizing, researching and representing collections from colonial contexts. The project involves developing new approaches for making sense of the information derived from historical sources such as logbooks or travel reports. One of the project goals is to make the movements of ships, people and objects traceable, which can be facilitated by cartographic representations of these movements. Since the information provided in the historical sources is oftentimes vague, inaccurate or incomplete, the challenge here is to estimate the itinerary of a ship by taking a certain degree of vagueness into account.Led by: Fuest, SesterYear: 2024
© Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin ‐ Kartenabteilung
Map-based storytelling of historical sea voyages with a vague spatiotemporal data basisThe thesis topic is related to the DiViAS project (digitization, visualization and analysis of collection items) which brings together scientific methods and practices for digitizing, researching and representing collections from colonial contexts. The project involves developing new approaches for making sense of the information derived from historical sources such as logbooks or travel reports. One of the project goals is to make the movements of ships, people and objects traceable, which can be facilitated by cartographic representations of these movements. In fact, many of these processes can only be understood in a temporal context. Since the information provided in the historical sources is oftentimes vague, inaccurate or incomplete, a visual representation using narrative techniques such as storymapping may facilitate understanding the spatiotemporal sequence of the events that happened throughout the journey.Led by: Fuest, SesterYear: 2024