Laser Scanning
Mobile Mapping BikeThe ikg Mobile Mapping Bike is a supplement to existing mobile mapping systems such as those used at the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics, which are traditionally mounted on a car or van. The cargo bike makes it possible to cover or develop remote, winding or inaccessible regions. But the Mobile Mapping Bike can also be used independently, not only to record the surroundings, but also to enrich various other measured values with georeferencing. It can also be used and reconfigured more easily for student projects, as no driving license is required and the software and hardware can be flexibly adapted.Led by: Schimansky, Wage, Golze, FeuerhakeYear: 2023Funding: InstitutsprojektDuration: fortlaufend
Mobile Mapping BikeThe ikg Mobile Mapping Bike is a supplement to existing mobile mapping systems such as those used at the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics, which are traditionally mounted on a car or van. The cargo bike makes it possible to cover or develop remote, winding or inaccessible regions. But the Mobile Mapping Bike can also be used independently, not only to record the surroundings, but also to enrich various other measured values with georeferencing. It can also be used and reconfigured more easily for student projects, as no driving license is required and the software and hardware can be flexibly adapted.Led by: Schimansky, Wage, Golze, FeuerhakeYear: 2023Funding: InstitutsprojektDuration: fortlaufend
Data Integration
VGI-LOC: Zukunftslabor Wasser - ZDINDas ikg ist Partner im Projekt Zukunftlabor Wasser, einer vom MWK geförderten Initiative zur Digitalsierung im Bereich Wasser.Led by: Sester, MonikaTeam:Year: 2022Funding: MWK NiedersachsenDuration: 2022-2025