Publikationen des Instituts für Kartographie und Geoinformatik

Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 873
  • K.-H. Anders, M. Sester and D. Fritsch (1999): Analysis of Settlement Structures by Graph-Based ClusteringSMATI 99: Semantic Modelling for the Acquisition of Topographic Information from Images and Maps, pp. 41-49
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  • K.-H. Anders, M. Sester and D. Fritsch (1999): Analysis of Settlement Structures by Graph-Based ClusteringSMATI 99 Workshop on 'Semantic Modeling'
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  • M. Dücker, S. Flake, C. Geiger, W. Mueller, V. Paelke, C. Reimann, W. Rosenbach, D. Zimmermann and S. Zelder (1999): Wissensbasierte Konzepte und Visuelle Interaktive SystemeKI ’99 Proceedings Workshop 'Intelligente Virtuelle Umgebungen', 23rd German Annual Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
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  • M. Madden, M. Sester and T. Krug (1999): Women's Activities in ISPRSSpecial Issue, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 54 (4)
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  • M. Sester (1999): Automatische Generalisierung mittels AusgleichungMitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, vol. Band 17 | Datei |
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  • M. Sester (1999): Multiscale Representation in GISThird Turkish-German Joint Geodetic Days -- Towards A Digital Age, pp. 31-40
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  • M. Sester (1999): Acquiring transition rules between multiple representations in a GIS: an experiment with area aggregationComputers, Environment and Urban Systems, vol. 23, pp. 5-17
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  • M. Sester and A. Klein (1999): Rule Based Generalization of Buildings for 3D-VisualizationProceedings of the 19th International Cartographic Conference of the ICA
  • M. Sester and F. Krumm(Hrsg.) (1999): GIS-Forschung im Studiengang Geodäsie und GeoinformatikSchriftenreihe der Institute des Studiengangs Geodäsie und Geoinformatik der Universität Stuttgart, vol. 1999.1
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  • S. Flake, C. Geiger, G. Lehrenfeld, W. Müller and V. Paelke (1999): Agent-Based Modeling for Holonic Manufacturing Systems with Fuzzy ControlProc. NAFIPSÂ’99, 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, June 10-12
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  • S. Volz and M. Sester (1999): Dokumentation und Analyse von Erdbebenschäden an Gebäuden mit Hilfe eines Geo-InformationssystemsGIS-Forschung im Studiengang Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, pp. 76-89
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  • V. Paelke (1999): Design Requirements of Interactive IllustrationsProc. OzCHI99
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  • V. Paelke (1999): Design Support for Interactive 3D IllustrationsExtended Abstracts CHI ’99
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  • V. Paelke (1999): Visual Presentation Agents for 3D EnvironmentsProc. Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI99
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  • C. Geiger and V. Paelke (1998): Enhancing 3D User Interfaces with Animation Principles Encapsulated in AgentsECAI '98 Workshop: Combining AI and Graphics for the Interface of the Future
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  • C. Geiger, G. Lehrenfeld, T. Lehmann, V. Paelke and C. Reimann (1998): Design of Interactive Illustrations Using 3D Animation and Spatial SoundProc. IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging
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  • C. Geiger, R. Hunstock, V. Paelke and F. Rammig (1998): Schneller Entwurf dreidimensionaler Computer-AnimationenZeitschrift Forschungsforum
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  • C. Geiger, V. Paelke and R. Zelder (1998): An Integrated Designtool for 3D WidgetsProc. IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging
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  • D. Fritsch, M. Glemser, U. Klein, M. Sester and G. Strunz (1998): Zur Integration von Unsicherheit bei Vektor- und RasterdatenGIS - GeoInformationssysteme, vol. 11(4), pp. 26-35
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  • D. Seker, M. Sester, S. Volz, S. Külür, G. Toz, O. Altan and D. Fritsch (1998): Modeling and analyzing earthquake induced building damages in a GISInternational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 32 /4, pp. 569-572