Publikationen des Instituts für Kartographie und Geoinformatik

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Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 875
  • Axmann, Jeldrik (2024): Maximum consensus localization using LiDARWissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik der Leibniz-Universität Hannover ; Nr. 401
  • Cheng, H., Liu, M., Chen, L., Broszio, H., Sester, M., & Yang, M. Y. (2024): A graph-and attention-based multi-agent trajectory prediction model.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 205, 163-175.
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  • Dorozynski, M., Rottensteiner, F., Thiemann, F., Sester, M., Dahms, T., Hovenbitzer, M. (2024): Multi-modal land cover classification of historical aerial images and topographic maps: a comparative study.ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences X-4-2024, pp. 107-115.
    DOI: DOI: 10.5194/isprs-annals-X-4-2024-107-2024
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  • H. Shojaei, Q. Zou, M. Mehltretter (2024): Uncertainty Estimation and Out-of-Distribution Detection for LiDAR Scene Semantic Segmentation
    arXiv: arXiv:2410.08687
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  • J. Golze and M. Sester (2024): Determining User Specific Semantics of Locations Extracted from Trajectory DataTransportation Research Procedia: 25th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Vol. 78, Page 215-221
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  • J. Golze, M. Sester, U. Feuerhake, C. Brenner (2024): Exploring User Semantic Annotation from Trajectories in the Scenario of Shared LocationsAGILE GIScience Ser., 5, 25
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  • Kamalasanan, V., Fuest, S., & Sester, M. (2024): Investigating Effects of Future Path Visualisation on Path Choices During Collision EncountersKN-Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information, 1-15.
    DOI: 10.1007/s42489-024-00177-7
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  • L. Bienzeisler, O. Wage and B. Friedrich (2024): Cutting Redundancy, Slashing Emissions: The Role of Consolidation for a Sustainable Last-Mile DeliveryForum for Innovative Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), Riverside, CA, USA, 2024, pp. 1-8
    DOI: 10.1109/FISTS60717.2024.10485542
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  • Malinovskaya, Anna (2024): Statistical process monitoring of networksDeutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Reihe C, Nr. 942, München (identisch mit: Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik der Leibniz-Universität Hannover ; Nr. 399) ISBN: 978-3-7696-5354-0 | Datei |
  • Mortazavi, F., Kuzminykh, A., Ahlers, V., Brenner, C., and Sester, M. (2024): Integrated Multi-Stereo Camera System for Robust Indoor Localization with Temporal FusionInt. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci.
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  • Olga Shkedova, Stefan Fuest & Monika Sester (2024): A pseudo-3D visual variable for simultaneous risk mapping and safest route communicationInternational Journal of Cartography
    DOI: 10.1080/23729333.2024.2392968
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  • Schimansky, T., & Sester, M. (2024): 3D Gaussian Splatting auf Basis von LiDAR Punktwolken.Band 32: 44. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung in Remagen 2024;
    DOI: 10.24407/KXP:1884384242
  • Shkedova, O., & Sester, M. (2024): Visualization of Space Occupancy Uncertainty in a 3D Voxel-based Urban ModelISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 10, 311-317.
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  • Stefan Fuest (2024): Nudging Travelers to Societally Favorable Routes by Means of Cartographic SymbolizationDeutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Reihe C, Nr. 935, (identisch mit / identical with: Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik der Leibniz Universität Hannover, ISSN 0174-1454, Nr. 396, Hannover 2024) ISBN: 978-3-7696-5347-2 | Datei |
  • Stefan Fuest, Andreas Gollenstede, Maximilian Herbers, Rieke Marie Kaiser, Jennifer Tadge (2024): Visualisierung von Schiffsrouten des 18./19. Jahrhunderts mit unscharfer raumzeitlicher DatengrundlagePosterpräsentation beim 21. Kartographiehistorischen Colloquium vom 4. bis 7. September in Oldenburg
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  • Winter, S., Sester, M., Tomko, M., & Millonig, A. (2024): The Challenge of Data Analytics with Climate-Neutral Urban Mobility (Vision Paper)ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems.
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  • Yiming Xu, Hao Cheng, Monika Sester (2024): Controllable Diverse Sampling for Diffusion Based Motion Behavior ForecastingIEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)
    DOI: 10.1109/IV55156.2024.10588486
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  • Yu Feng, Yiming, Xu, Yan Xia, Claus Brenner, Monika Sester (2024): Gap completion in point cloud scene occluded by vehicles using SGC-NetISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol.215, 331-350
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  • Yunshuang Yuan, Monika Sester (2024): CoSense3D: an Agent-based Efficient Learning Framework for Collective PerceptionIEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)
    DOI: 10.1109/IV55156.2024.10588865
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  • Zou, Q., & Sester, M. (2024): 3D Uncertain Implicit Surface Mapping Using GMM and GPIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 10559-10566
    DOI: doi: 10.1109/LRA.2024.3475873
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