Publikationen des Instituts für Kartographie und Geoinformatik

Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 873
  • U. Lenk and I. Kruse (2002): Digitale Geländemodellierung und Bearbeitung hydrographischer Projekte mit TASHHydrographische Nachrichten, vol. Heft 65, pp. 12-15
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  • U. Lenk and I. Kruse (2002): Digitale Geländemodellierung und Bearbeitung hydrographischer Projekte mit TASHHydrographische Nachrichten, vol. Heft 66, pp. 5-10
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  • V. Paelke (2002): Content-Design Requirements for Interactive 3D ApplicationsProc. SIGGRAPH Campfire on the Production Process of 3D Computer Graphics Applications -- Structures, Roles and Tools
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  • V. Paelke (2002): Design of Interactive 3D IllustrationsDissertation, Dissertation
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  • V. Paelke, C. Reimann and J. Stöcklein (2002): Exploratory Design of Mixed-Reality Information and Training ApplicationsProc. Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung
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  • V. Paelke, J. Stöcklein, L. Groetzbach, C. Geiger, C. Reimann and W. Rosenbach (2002): The AR-ENIGMA -- A PDA Based Interactive IllustrationSIGGRAPH Sketches and Applications
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  • Y. Gabay and M. Sester (2002): Forming And Utilizing Communication Between Two Spatial Representations At Different Scales - A DemonstrationInternal Report | Datei |
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  • C. Geiger, V. Paelke, C. Reimann and W. Rosenbach (2001): Structured Design of Interactive Virtual and Augmented Reality ContentProc. Structured Design of Virtual Environments and 3D-Components
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  • K.-H. Anders (2001): Data Mining for Automated GIS Data CollectionPhotogrammetric Week `01, pp. 263-272
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  • L. Hurni, B. Jenny, T. Dahinden and E. Hutzler (2001): Interactive Analytical Shading and Cliff Drawing: Advances in Digital Relief Presentation for Topographic Mountain MapsProceeding for the Int. Conference in Cartography, pp. 8 | Datei |
  • Lorenz Hurni and Tobias Dahinden and Ernst Hutzler (2001): Digital Cliff Drawing for Topographic Maps: Traditional Representations by Means of New TechnologiesCartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, vol. 38 (1-2), pp. 55-65
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  • M. Sester (2001): Maßstabsabhängige Darstellungen in digitalen räumlichen DatenbeständenReihe C, Nr. 544, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Reihe C, Nr. 544, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission | Datei |
  • O. Altan, G. Toz, S. Külür, D. Seker, S. Volz, D. Fritsch and M. Sester (2001): Photogrammetry and geographic information systems for quick assessment, documentation of earthquake damagesISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 55, pp. 359-372
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  • S. Flake, C. Geiger, W. Müller, V. Paelke, W. Rosenbach and J. Ruf (2001): Customer-Oriented Systems Design Through Virtual PrototypesProceedings of the 10th Int. Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET ICE'01)
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  • T. Dahinden, A. Neumann and A. M. Winter (2001): Webmapping mit SVG: Werkzeuge, Arbeitsabläufe, aktuelle EntwicklungenWeb.mapping Proceedings 3, pp. 21 | Datei |
  • U. Lenk and I. Kruse (2001): Multibeam Data ProcessingThe Hydrographic Journal, vol. 102, pp. 9-14
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  • V. Paelke (2001): User Centred Design Space Exploration for Consumer AR ApplicationsProc. OzCHI 2001
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  • V. Paelke, C. Geiger, C. Reimann and W. Rosenbach (2001): Effective Design and Development of Interactive 3D Illustrations for E-CommerceProc. International NAISO Symposium on Information Science Innovations (ISI)
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  • A. Blaser, M. Sester and M. Egenhofer (2000): Visualization in an early stage of the problem solving process in GIS'Special issue of the International Journal ''Computer and Geosciences'' on Geoscientific Visualization, vol. 26 (1)'
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  • C. Brenner (2000): Dreidimensionale Gebäuderekonstruktion aus digitalen Oberflächenmodellen und GrundrissenC 530, München 2000, 124 S.
    ISBN: ISBN 3 7696 9569 0