Continuous Generalization for Fast and Smooth Visualization on Small Displays,
GIS – Zeitschrift für raumbezogene Information und Entscheidungen, vol. 9, pp. 24-30
Begutachtete Zeitschriftenartikel und Buchkapitel
Continuous Generalization for Visualization on Small Mobile Devices,
Developments in Spatial Data Handling - 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, pp. 469-480
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Continuous Generalization for fast and smooth Visualization on small Displays,
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 34
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Suchmaschinen mit räumlichem Bewusstsein,
Kartographie als Baustein moderner Kommunikation, Symposium 2004 in Königslutter am Elm, vol. Band 9
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Dagstuhl Seminar Computational Cartography and Spatial Modelling,
it - Information Technology, vol. 46,5, pp. 277-281
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Automatische Generalisierung raumbezogener Datenbestände,
Kartographische Nachrichten, vol. 4
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A software system for the estimation of the quadricepts variations using a gait analyis system,
4th European Symposium in Biomedical Engineering
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Improvements of the IKA-SVG-Viewer and JNSS,
SVGopen Conference
Ein komponentenbasiertes Navigationssystem mit Client-Server Architektur,
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Dritter ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop vom 15. bis 19. Mai 2002 am Mount Hood, Oregon, USA.,
Kartographische Nachrichten, vol. 1
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First steps to a prototype of a digital atlas for schools,
SVGopen Conference
Exploring Game Space -- From Mobile Gaming to Location-Based Mixed-Reality Entertainment,
Proc. Game-On 2004, Het Pand
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Benutzbarkeit Mobiler AR-Anwendungen,
Proc. 3. Paderborner Workshop AR/VR in der Produktentstehung
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Foot-Based Mobile Interaction with Games,
Proc. International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology ACE 2004, National University of Singapore
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Tutorial: AR als Interaktionstechnik,
Mensch & Computer 2004
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Entertainment Computing on Wearable and Mobile Devices,
Proc. IFAWC2004
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Mixed Reality Authoring for Content Creators,
Proc. Simulation and Visualisation 2004
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A Formal Model of a Framework for Simulation-Based Animation,
Proc. Simulation and Visualisation 2004
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Map Generalisation Technology: Adressing the Need for a common Rerearch Platform,
Proceedings of 21st International Cartographic Conference
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Extracting Landmarks with Data Mining Methods,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Spatial Information Theory: Foundations of Geographic Information Science. International Conference, COSIT 2003, vol. 2825, pp. 398-412
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