Publikationen des Instituts für Kartographie und Geoinformatik

Anzahl der gefundenen Publikationen: 873
  • B. Elias and M. Sester (2003): Landmarken für Wegbeschreibungen—Identifikation, Extraktion und VisualisierungKN-Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information, 53(2), 51-57. Weitere Informationen
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  • C. Brenner (2003): Building Reconstruction from Laser Scanning and ImagesProc. of the ITC Earth Observation Science Department Workshop on Data Quality in Earth Observation Techniques | Datei |
  • C. Brenner (2003): Die Welt in 3D'Rubrik ''Sagen Sie mal'', Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung'
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  • C. Brenner (2003): Automated Data Interpretation by Fusing Multiple Data Sources'Eingeladener Vortrag, Joint Sino-German Symposium on ''Acquisition, updating, integration, value-adding and visualization of digital geo-spatial framework information'''
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  • C. Brenner (2003): Roof reconstruction from laser scanner data and additional sourcesEingeladener Vortrag, Seminar Computational Cartography and Spatial Modelling, International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science
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  • C. Brenner (2003): Dreidimensionale Stadtmodelle aus LaserscanningVirtuelle Welten. Wie GIS die Geowissenschaften verändern. Unimagazin Hannover, vol. 3/4
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  • C. Brenner and B. Elias (2003): Extracting Landmarks for Car Navigation Systems Using Existing GIS Databases and Laser Scanning'Proceedings of ''Photogrammetric Image Analysis'', International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV, Part 3/W8' | Datei |
  • C. Brenner and M. Sester (2003): Continuous Generalization for Small Mobile DisplaysProc. Int. Conference on Next Generation Geospatial Information
  • C. Brenner, C. Dold and K. Jülge (2003): Fusion, Interpretation and Combination of Geodata for the Extraction of Topographic ObjectsProc. Workshop 3-D reconstruction from airborne laserscanner and InSAR data, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV, Part 3/W13 | Datei |
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  • C. Dold and C. Brenner and K. Juelge (2003): Integration von luftgestüzten und terrestrischen Methoden zur Ableitung von 3D Stadtmodellen40. Sitzung AgA, Arbeitsgruppe Automation in der Kartographie, September 2003, Mitteilungen des Bundesamts für Geodäsie und Kartographie | Datei |
  • C. Hatger and C. Brenner (2003): Extraction of Road Geometry Parameters form Laser Scanning and Existing DatabasesProc. Workshop 3-D reconstruction from airborne laserscanner and InSAR data, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV | Datei |
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  • C. Reimann and V. Paelke (2003): Visualisierungs- und Interaktionstechniken für mobile AR AnwendungenProc. Simulation und Visualisierung 2003
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  • C. Reimann, S. Engel and V. Paelke (2003): Object-Oriented ToolKit for Augmented RealityProc. 2nd IEEE ARToolkit Workshop, ART03
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  • C. Reimann, V. Paelke and D. Stichling (2003): Computer Vision Based Interaction-Techniques for Mobile GamesGame-On 2003
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  • D. Dransch, M. Sester, J. Dodt and W. Rase (2003): Visualisierung und Erschließung von GeodatenSeminar GeoVIS 2003, Kartographische Schriften, vol. Band 7
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  • F. Heinzle, M. Kopczynski and M. Sester (2003): Spatial Data Interpretation for the Intelligent Access to Spatial Information in the InternetProceedings of 21st International Cartographic Conference | Datei |
  • F. Thiemann (2003): 3D-Gebäude-GeneralisierungTheorie 2003 - Vorträge der Dresdner Sommerschule für Kartographie am 25./26. September 2003 an der TU Dresden, vol. 26, pp. S- 52-61
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  • F. Thiemann (2003): 3D-Gebäude-GeneralisierungVisualisierung und Erschließung von Geodaten - Seminar GeoVIS 2003, Kartographische Schriften, vol. 7, pp. S- 185 -192 | Datei |
  • G. v. Goesseln and M. Sester (2003): Semantic and geometric Integration of geoscientific Data Sets with ATKIS - Applied to Geo-Objects from Geology and Soil ScienceISPRS Commission IV Joint Workshop `Challenges in Geospatial Analysis, Integration and Visualization II´, Proceedings, pp. 111-116 | Datei |
  • G. v. Goesseln and M. Sester (2003): Change Detection and Integration of Topographic Updates from ATKIS to Geoscientific Data SetsInt. Conference on Next Generation Geospatial Information | Datei |