Qualification Goals
This course teaches the key technologies and main concepts for performing typical GIS operations on spatial data in the Internet. Main topics are the processes allowing representation, storage, access, analysis and visualization of heterogeneous, distributed spatial data sets. The Forms of Teaching and Courses focus on the technical/practical realization of these asp Credit Points. Practical exercises on current web technologies allow the students to flexibly adapt to a multitude ofrequirements in the larger context of web applications. The learned practical knowledge is applied in a compulsory software project, in which groups of 3-4 students will work on a real web GIS application. After successfully completing this course, students will be able to create their own web map applications including static and dynamic parts of a client-server-architecture with server-side data storage and client-side data visualization and interaction.
Data and service provider standards and implementations; data formats for internet applications; internet-based data provision and access; current web technologies: HTML, JavaScript, PHP, XML, WebMap APIs OpenLayers and Leaflet, SQL, PostgreSQL DBMS, OGC Web Map Services/Web Feature Services.
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover