Masterarbeiten (abgeschlossen)
Reinforcement learning-based sharing data selection for collective perception of connected autonomous vehiclesIn this thesis, a deep reinforcement learning model is proposed to reduce the redundancy of CPMs for the raw point cloud data sharing scenario in the CAV networks. By combining deep reinforcement learning with collaborative perception, a RL based method for selecting collective perception data that uses the DDQN algorithm is implemented. Through this model, the vehicle can intelligently select the data to be transmitted, thereby eliminating redundant data in the network, saving limited network resources, and reducing the risk of communication network congestion.Leitung: Prof. Markus Fidler, Prof. Monika Sester, Yunshuang Yuan, Shule Li, Sören SchleibaumTeam:Jahr: 2021
Using Dynamic Objects for Probabilistic Multi-View Point Cloud Registration and LocalizationRegistering two point clouds involves finding the optimal rigid transformation that aligns those two point clouds. For a connected autonomous vehicle (CAV), an accurate localization for an `ego’ vehicle can be achieved by registering its point cloud to LiDAR data from other connected `cooperative’ vehicles. This paper utilizes an advanced object detection algorithm to select observation points that are on detected vehicles. As a prerequisite, a general probability distribution (cf. left figure) based on the observation points from all detected vehicles is established. For the registration, in the first step, observation points from a cooperative vehicle are assigned to detected bounding boxes. Then, each set of points belonging to one bounding box is registered to the general probability distribution resulting in a `probability map’. In the second step, the probability map is used as shared information and the point cloud of the ego vehicle is registered to it. Different from the Euclidean distance metric of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm and the consensus count metric of the maximum consensus method, a new probability-related metric is proposed for a coarse registration. It is used to provide an initial transformation, which is used afterwards in a registration refinement by ICP. The registration is completely based on the vehicle information in the scene. The algorithm is evaluated on the collective perception data set COMAP. Especially for some scenes that are challenging to existing registration algorithms such as scenes in a traffic jam or in an open space where no efficient overlaps of observed static objects exists. For those scenarios, from the perspective of accuracy and robustness, the algorithm has shown good performance. The left figure shows the general distribution of observation points, while the figure on the right shows the registration result between 'probability map' of cooperative vehicle and Lidar points of ego vehicle.Leitung: Brenner, Yuan, AxmannTeam:Jahr: 2021
Offene Masterarbeiten
Automatische Annotation historischer KartenSuchmaschinen ermöglichen einen schnellen und gezielten Zugriff auf gespeicherte Inhalte im Internet. Voraussetzung dafür ist jedoch, dass diese Inhalte durch Schlüsselwörter oder Metadaten beschrieben sind. Bei der Suche nach Karten werden typischerweise die Namen oder Kartentypen als Schlüsselwörter verwendet. Will man jedoch auf Karteninhalte zugreifen, zum Beispiel auf Karten mit Laubwäldern, ist es notwendig, dass diese Karteninhalte auch durch Metadaten beschrieben sind. Gleichermaßen sind solche Beschreibungen auch erforderlich, um Blinden oder Menschen mit visuellen Einschränkungen einen Zugang zu ermöglichen Hier setzt die Masterarbeit an: Mit Hilfe von Deep-Learning-Methoden soll eine sogenannte semantische Segmentierung der Karteninhalte in mehrere Landnutzungsklassen vorgenommen werden. Diese Informationen sollen dann in geeigneter Form als Metadaten beschrieben und den Daten hinzugefügt werden.Leitung: Yuan, SesterJahr: 2024